Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Fees.

University Fees Table
University 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 6th Year
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University 4000 USD 4000 USD 4000 USD 4000 USD 4000 USD 4000 USD
Total in Indian Rupees/Per Year 3,12,000 INR 3,12,000 INR 3,12,000 INR 3,12,000 INR 3,12,000 INR 3,12,000 INR


1.To offer high quality education to all the interested individuals despite nationality, religion.
 2.To educate highly-qualified, competitive and adaptive specialists to the changing professional environment, with the competences relevant to the modern requirements,who will be the free personalities with high civic understanding and activity, bearers of the principles of humanism, democracy and liberal values.          

3.To accomplish fundamental and applied research in natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, law, mathematics and computer technologies as well as in the branches of engineering and technology, business, public health and agriculture for the purpose of welfare of the population, economic strength, defense ability, establishment of democratic principles and raising spirituality.World Federation of Medical Education.                         
4.Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University is an important educational, scientific and cultural center of our country. It has a 80-year-long history

The World’s Best Education in our University 3D Education

Batumi University uses S3D MediMagic by VINFORMAX, London- Europe’s first Stereoscopic 3D Medical Education platform. S3D Medimagic offers over 275 lessons in Stereoscopic 3D, mapped to a Common Global Medical Curriculum. It provides students with an unprecedented learning experience by projecting stunning visuals of complex anatomical structures and intrinsic physiological processes in a way that facilitates depth perception and leaves an everlasting impact on long-term memory. Empowered by this cutting-edge technology, the faculty integrate this immersive experience into routine lectures on an advanced Learning Management System. This progressive pedagogical approach will lay the foundation for medical students to characterize fundamental biological processes in the context of health and disease and develop into medical professionals who handle complex medical procedures that require the finest precision.